Vanessa Bruno
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How to create the perfect French look? There are many answers to this question but the best one is still: Vanessa Bruno! The french-danish designer became popular because of the Vanessa Bruno tote that caused a real hype in fashion metropolises all over the world. The famous tote is made of unicoloured leather, linen or canvas. The handels that are covered with rivets or sometimes with sequins are real eye-catchers and give a unique look to every Vanessa Bruno Bag. There are many possible combinations of colours and materials for the Vanessa Bruno Cabas tote and every season brings new creations. But the French label did not lean bag after being successful! Vanessa Bruno offers further bags, totes and clutches fitting perfectly to a chic casual style. With her bags Vanessa Bruno combines typical bag- or tote shapes with a view refined details. Stylish buckles, cool fringes or little pendants are arranged in a sophisticated way to create a style that supports your look without outshining it. Combining all of this features with a huge main compartment for all the things a woman needs a Vanessa Bruno bag becomes an ideal companion for every day.
Vanessa Bruno is literally born with an interest and talent for creating fashion. Being the daughter of a Danish mannequin and a French fashion entrepreneur she grew up in the world of fashion – and today she delights everyone with her exclusive designs. It was not surprising – but eagerly expected- that Vanessa Bruno started her first collection when she was 24 years old. Further she founded a label that stands out because of its refinement and natural charm. Vanessa Bruno creates bags, fashion and accessories having an unsophisticated style with an easygoing elegance. It is exactly this uncomplicated chic that makes Vanessa Brunos creations so adorable because they are not only convincing on the catwalk but also on the sidewalk. There is a stylish but comfortable look visible in refined the mini-skirts, cosy sweaters and bags by Vanessa Bruno. You will get more than a simple pendant for your arm – you get a proof for a self-confident understatement!
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