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The Swiss company was founded in 1851 by Carl Franz Bally and his brother Fritz as a shoe factory. A few years later, the latter went out of business, leaving the company to Carl Franz Bally completely. Even at that time, the brand founder focused on high-quality materials, attractive design and accurate workmanship. This approach brought the company great popularity and international reputation. One of the special moments in the history of Bally is the production of the reindeer boots that Tenzing Norgay wore in 1953 when he climbed Mount Everest with Edmund Hillary for the first time. In 1976, the brand expanded its product range to include leather bags and accessories manufactured under equally high standards. Since its foundation, Bally stands for a responsible attitude: even in the earlier years, the founder Carl Franz Bally pioneered social services. These included local facilities such as an employee canteen and kindergarten, as well as a community park. Currently, Bally is involved in mountain conservation. At the beginning of 2020, the label founded the Bally Peak Outlook Foundation for the protection of sensitive mountain landscapes around the world. The proceeds from the collection of the same name go to 100% for environmental projects.
Whether you choose the eye-catching shoulder bag with the rectangular Bally Janelle buckle or a plain Bally handbag, we offer you the best price on every item from the Swiss brand! To ensure that you can also create a matched bag-purse duo, we offer a wide range of stylish accessories. Whether Bally wallet for a spacious everyday bag or a Bally credit card case for a compact one land in your shopping cart, we'll ship your order within 24 hours. And to make sure you have some cash for your new wallet, we'll give you an exclusive 15% wardow voucher code for signing up to our newsletter!
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