30-day Return policy
You have 30 days from the date you received your order to return it. Please note that we can only accept non-used items. We kindly ask you to make sure to not remove any attached product labels and to send back items new, in original packaging and completely. For more information, please refer to the cancellation policy in our Terms & Conditions.
1. Step: Preparing the package for the return
For a quick return processing, please fill out the return form, giving the following information:
- Indicate the reason for your return on the right side of the form.
- Insert a note in the central message field.
- Select the items and indicate the quantity which you wish to return.
- Insert all relevant items as well as the completed return form in the original packaging in which we have sent your order.
2. Step: Please send returns from abroad at your own expense to the following address:
Magdeburger Straße 5
14641 Wustermark
ATTENTION: Changes in return shipment since 01.01.2021 - Customs
- fill in the customs declaration issued by the post office completely
- attach the invoice visibly to the outside of the parcel
- clearly mark your parcel on the outside as a return
- write a clear sender information and include your order number
Please note that we will not bear any costs in relation with missing or incomplete customs information, and an acceptance will may be refused if necessary. Please contact your local post office for any further questions.
As soon as we have processed your return, we will inform you by e-mail.
Procedure for Complaints
If an article has a defect or is damaged, you can of course make a written complaint to the customer service team.
For this we need:
- The scanned invoice of your order (i.e. as a PDF),
- A description of the defect and how it arose
- 2-4 conclusive images that document the defect. The defect must be clearly visible.
Please send these documents by e-mail to (customer service).
The kind of way in which an article can be repaired or replaced depends on the significance of the defect and the time of the complaint. We reserve the right to examine the goods in individual cases and to decide on the method of repairing the defect. Please note that complaints and repairs may take some time. We will contact you immediately after clarification of the facts in order to arrange the further complaint process.
Complaints after the expiry of the retailer's statutory warranty:
This is a voluntary manufacturer's warranty that may go beyond the statutory dealer warranty. The processing is then handled directly by the manufacturer. For further information, please refer to the respective manufacturer's warranty declarations. The statutory warranty claims on Wardow GmbH are unaffected by the manufacturer's warranty.
The article does not match your expectations, and you wish for an exchange? Place a new order for the new item to immediately see the availability of the requested article. Your unwanted items can be sent back to us as a return.
Please give us a call.
+49 (0)331 58291300
Mon - Fri 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.,
except statutory holidays
Please send an email.